How did you celebrate your 21st Birthday?

I came across several bags of 21st birthday confetti last week that was originally purchased for a custom 21st birthday jewellery order I had made a little while ago. Not being one for letting anything go to waste I thought I would make a few items of jewellery from them so made these pendants and keyrings.

I encased the 21st confetti within resin hearts, gave them a twinkle with glitter dust and confetti stars and the result are these lovely pendants and keyrings. Being 21 is all about sparkle and I hope these provide a lot of enjoyment for someone and a keepsake for a very special occasion.

Making this jewellery got me thinking about my own 21st birthday celebrations; and brought back many memories of my 21st birthday party. So here goes, this is how I celebrated my 21st birthday...

I hired a local club, mobile disco and invited lots of friends and family. My friend made the invitations and I spent a few weeks handing them out to whoever I knew. In fact I probably invited a few too many people; I had visited my regular night-club the weekend before the party and had handed out over 100 invitations to people within the night-club, most of which were complete strangers!

Worried that my invites may have got into the wrong hands I invited my Uncle to be a bouncer on the door. My Uncle was a chief inspector in the police force at the time and I watched in amusement as he interviewed the partygoers as they entered the club.

My 21st birthday party was held on the weekend before Christmas so I decided to dress as Santa. Not that it was a fancy dress party or anything, I just thought it would be a good idea to stand out, and stand out I certainly did! Mothers from a nearby bar brought in their young children to visit me during the night only to be met by a skinny 21 year-old dressed as Santa. Pint in hand, beard hanging off I mumbled incomprehensibly to the children. Several children were whisked away by their Mothers, covering their children’s eyes from what could have very easily spoilt their children’s expectations of what Santa Claus was all about.

The party went well until the end of the evening. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground and many pairs of hands reached out at me through the disco lit hall. One by one all my items of clothing were removed and I was left lying on the now empty hall floor...just my Mum, Dad and police inspector Uncle looking down at me. Yes my “friends” had given me a 21st birthday treat and took great delight in removing my clothes which were now making their way to the far edges of town.

We made our way outside in the vague hope that a few of my clothes may have been left behind. There I stood wearing nothing but my Mum’s coat when to top the evening, yes the police arrived. Luckily for me I had my chief inspector uncle at hand and he waved them on; thank you Uncle!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my 21st birthday memories and I would love to hear how you celebrated your 21st Birthday!

Personalised Pet Hair Keepsake Jewellery

You may remember a recent blog post when I mentioned my Personalized Horse Hair Jewellery and how I included silver lettering within the pendants to represent the horse's name or initials. Well, this has proved to be quite popular now with my pet hair and fur keepsake jewellery so I thought I would show a couple of recent examples.

I made this bracelet last week for a lady from Virginia USA who wanted some keepsake jewellery making for her recently departed pet dog. The order was initially for a couple of engraved pendants containing her fur, however the order grew over time and one of the items she wanted making was this lovely rainbow coloured bracelet.

I have included a small amount of her dog’s fur within each of the six charms and included a small rhinestone crystal. The name of her dog ‘Maggie’ has been spelt out using silver lettering and I have coloured each charm to represent the colours of the rainbow.

The second item of pet keepsake jewellery that I want to show you was made for a pony sanctuary in Kent a couple of weeks ago. These were intended as gifts for the people who helped look after the old ponies at the sanctuary. I was asked to make thirteen of these keepsakes and each one was presented on pieces of ribbon within their display boxes.

I have included a small tassel of each pony’s hair within the keepsakes along with silver lettering to represent the name or initials for the pony.

If you would like to see more of my horse and pony jewellery please visit my Horse Hair Jewellery gallery.

If you would like to see more keepsake jewellery from other pets including cats, dogs, rabbits and even budgies, please visit my Pet Hair Keepsakes gallery.

Steampunk necklace – Old watch parts and a mouse!

Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock didn’t strike (it had no hands),
So the mouse stayed where it was,
Hickory, dickory, dock...tick tock.

Yes, you may have guessed that my latest necklace is an interpretation of the classic nursery rhyme; however this mouse wants to stay on the clock.
This Steampunk style pendant incorporates an old watch mechanism within a circular pendant bezel that has a burnished finish. The pendant has an integrated tube bail and is hung from a leather thong style necklace chain. The cheeky little mouse took me a long time to source. It is sterling silver and was actually discovered attached to on an old pair of earrings.

I am very proud of this pendant as I have managed to avoid the use of resin that has somewhat dominated my jewellery making! I wanted to keep the old watch parts exposed and natural to make the pendant more tactile. I really do enjoy making Steampunk jewellery; I find it quite therapeutic turning old watch parts into something that can be enjoyed again.

I don’t think I will be selling this pendant but will display her in my ‘studio’ as an inspirational piece..having said that, my wife has already worn the necklace to a family meal so if it goes missing I know where to look!

...tick tock tick tock...